Friday, February 13, 2015

The Wolf.

04 February: the clock was set at exactly 1:30 AM, that's about 6:30 PM his time which means he'd be home by then. There would be days she forgot to set the alarm, but still woke up at almost exactly the same time. No miss. It's the body clock, she thought.

At 1:30 AM, she started staring at her phone and wait for it to ring. Pretending to be busy, she read and put on the music. She waited and waited, and just wait until it is almost time to sleep again or to wake up and prepare herself to work.

That was for 8 straight days, when she was blocked from his social media. After the incident of "I am not interested anymore. Goodbye".

On the 8th day, about 5:00 AM her time, she saw him back online with "I am sorry" text.

And wished that she was blocked again.

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